Other Navratris are celebrated in the month of October-November. Navratris are 9-day festival that signifies the triumph of good over evil. Goddess Durga has nine roops; thus, the name Navratri emerged. During the nine days, people seek her blessings and wish each other for a healthy and wealthy life.
Here we have curated the best of Navratri wishes, messages, and greetings that you can wish your loved ones through SMS, social media, and other platforms.
1. May This Navratri be as bright as ever. May it bring joy, health, and wealth to you. May the festival of lights brighten up the lives of your near and dear ones.
2. May God gift you gifts of life, gifts of joy, gifts of happiness, friendship gifts, gifts of love, and all gifts you want in your life.
3. It’s an auspicious day of Navratri, make a wish, and it shall come true Do good deeds and forget the rest. Maa is always watching on you.
4. Fortunate is the one Who has learned to admire, But not to envy. Good wishes for a joyous Navratri, with plenty of peace and prosperity.
5. Happy Navratri to all devotees of Ma Durga. May you have the best of times, celebrations, and success in life this year.
6. May the nine avatars of Maa Durga bless you with nine qualities –power, happiness, humanity, peace, knowledge, devotion, name, fame, and health.
7. This Navratri, may you be blessed with good fortune as long as Ganeshji’s trunk, wealth and prosperity as big as his stomach, happiness as sweet as his laddoos, and may your trouble be as small as his mouse. Happy Navratri!
8. Fortunate is the one who has learned to admire, but not to envy. Good Wishes for a joyous Navratri and a Happy New Year with a plenty of Peace and Prosperity.
9. May Maa Durga empower you & your family with her Nine Swaroopa of Name, Fame, Health, Wealth, Happiness, Humanity, Education, Bhakti, and Shakti. Happy Navratras
10. This Pious Event Of Navratri Will Bring Rejuvenated Minds To You All Through As You Whisper The Words Of Joy To Your Family. May A Great Unity Be Born Among You! Happy Durga pooja And Navratri!!
11. May the energy of the universe bless you in all her nine forms. Happy Chaitra Navratri 2023!
12. As she returns to her earthly abode, giving us cause for celebration, at home & abroad, so light the brightest diyas, sing the sweetest sangeets Adorn yourselves in finery, prepare those sumptuous feasts…revel in the merrymaking………Have a Glorious Navratri!!
13. Celebrate each day of Navratri with ever-growing zeal and indulge yourself in pious activities, and Gods shall favor you in the coming year.
14. An auspicious day to start with any good work. It was today that good won victory over bad. May this day clear all hurdles of your life and start a new era of well-being. Happy Navratri!!
15. Navratri means nine nights of devotion. Spirituality. Celebrations. Music. Dance. Garba. Stuti. Hope the divine blessings of Maa always be with you. Happy Navratri!!
16. May your troubles burst away like the fireworks and your happiness multiply ten times! Happy Navratri!!!
17. Goddess Durga exists eternally, always abiding in her sweet nature and inhabits the hearts and minds of her perfect devotees, Happy Navratri
18. Let us pray that this Navratri, Maa Durga bestows upon you and your family. All nine forms of her blessings. Happy Navratri
19. Goddess Durga is the embodiment of shakti, who has overcome the evils of the world. May this Navaratri every one uses her blessings and powers to overcome their problems in life. I wish you all a Happy Navaratri!!
20. Here’s wishing that the colors, beauty, bliss, and happiness of this auspicious festival of Maa Durga stay with you, not just for these nine days, but forever. Happy Navratri!
Also read: Diwali Wishes, Quotes, Greetings
21. कुमकुम भरे कदमों से आए मां दुर्गा आपके द्वार, सुख संपत्ति मिले आपको अपार, मेरी ओर से नवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं करें स्वीकार! शुभ नवरात्रि।
22. लाल रंग की चुनरी से सजा मां का दरबार, हर्षित हुआ मन, पुलकित हुआ संसार, नन्हे-नन्हे कदमो से, मां आये आपके द्वार, नवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं।
23. या देवी सर्वभूतेषु शक्तिरूपेण संस्थिता. नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम: वरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं।
24. मां की आराधना का ये पर्व है, मां के नौ रूपों की भक्ति का पर्व है, बिगड़े काम बनाने का पर्व है, भक्ति का दिया दिल में जलाने का पर्व है शुभ नवरात्रि 2023।
25. हे माँ तुमसे विश्वास ना उठने देना, बन के रोशनी तुम राह दिखा देना बिगड़े काम बना देना… शुभ नवरात्रि।
26. नमो नमो दुर्गे सुख करनी. नमो नमो अम्बे दुःख हरनी… शुभ नवरात्रि।
27. दूर की सुनती हैं माँ, पास की सुनती हैं माँ, माँ तो अखिर माँ हैं, हर भक्त की सुनती हैं माँ चनवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं।
28. दूर की सुनती हैं माँ, पास की सुनती हैं माँ, माँ तो अखिर माँ हैं, हर भक्त की सुनती हैं माँ चैत्र नवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं।
29. मां कि ज्योति से प्रेम मिलता है, सबके दिलो को मर्म मिलता है, जो भी जाता है मां के द्वार, कुछ न कुछ जरूर मिलता है। नवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं।
30. पग-पग में फूल खिलें, ख़ुशी आप सबको इतनी मिले, कभी ना हो दुखों का सामना, यही है आपको हमारी, तरफ से नवरात्रि की शुभकामना। नवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं।
31. माता रानी वरदान ना देना हमें, बस थोड़ा सा प्यार देना हमे .. तेरे चरणों में बीते ये जीवन सारा,
एक बस यही आशीर्वाद देना हमें। -शुभ नवरात्र।
32. देवी मां के कदम आपके घर में आएं, आप खुशी से नहाएं, परेशानियां आपसे आंखें चुराएं,
नवरात्रि की आपको ढेरों शुभ नवरात्र।
33. मां की ज्योति से नूर मिलता है, सब के दिलों को सुरूर मिलता ह .. जो भी जाता है मां के द्वार पर, उसे कुछ न कुछ जरूर मिलता है। शुभ नवरात्र।
34. नवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं! सारा जहां है जिसकी शरण में, नमन है उस माँ के चरण में, हम है उस माँ के चरणों की धूल, आओ मिलकर चढ़ाएं माँ को श्रद्धा के फूल। शुभ नवरात्रि!
35. नव दीप जले; नव फूल खिले; नित नयी बहार मिले; नवरात्रि के इस पावन अवसर पर आपको माता रानी का आशीर्वाद मिले.
36. पग-पग में फूल खिलें; ख़ुशी आप सबको इतनी मिले; कभी ना हो दुखों का सामना; यही है आपको हमारी तरफ से नवरात्रि की शुभकामना। नवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं!
37. नवरात्रों के आगमन की तैयारी, राम-सीता के मिलन की तैयारी, असत्य पर सत्य की जीत की तैयारी, हो सबको आज इन पवित्र त्यौहारों की बधाई। नवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं!
38. नव कल्पना नव ज्योत्सना नव शक्ति नव अराधना नवरात्रि के पावन पर्व पर पूरी हो आपकी हर मनोकामना।
39. बिन बुलाए भी जहां जाने को जी चाहता है, वो चौखट ही है तेरी “माँ” जहां यह बंदा सुकून पाता है… आप सभी को चैत्र नवरात्रि की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं!
40. ॐ जयन्ती मंगला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी। दुर्गा क्षमा शिवा धात्री स्वाहा स्वधा नमोऽस्तुते।। जय माता दी। शुभ नवरात्रि
Also read: House Warming Wishes, Quotes and Messages
41. May maa Durga empower you and your family with her nine swaroopa of name, fame, health, wealth, happiness, humanity, education, bhakti, and shakti. Happy Navaratri.
42. May Maa Durga brighten your life with countless blessings of happiness and prosperity. Happy Navratri.
43. Wishing you the energy of Maa Durga, The poise of Maa Saraswati; Wishing you a warm and blessed Navratri. Have a blessed Navratri!
44. Ma Durga is a Mother of the Universe; she represents the universe’s infinite power and is a symbol of female dynamism. Happy Navratri!
45. May the celebrations of Navratri brighten the coming year for you and shower you only the best of happiness and joy. Warm wishes on Navratri!
46. May maa Durga illuminate your life with countless blessings of happiness. Happy Navratri!
47. May the blessing of Maa Durga guide you on the right path and help you in all your endeavours. Warm wishes of Navratri to all!
48. Let’s join our hands to pray and welcome the goddess for the beautiful festival, the mystical, beautiful “Navratri.” Loads of love and wishes to your and your family, Happy Navratri!
49. Happy and vibrant Navratri to you and your family. May you get happiness and good health in ample this Navratri.
50. May Goddess Durga provide you the strength to overcome all obstacles in life. Shubh Navratri!
51. Start your day with a prayer to Goddess Durga, and everything will go well. Happy Navratri!
52. Goddess Durga is the symbol of energy. I wish my friend’s life gets filled with all positive energy this Navratri.
53. Happy Navratri to all the followers of Ma Durga. Enjoy the festival and feel the eternal energy of Goddess Durga.
54. Navratri brings fortune, success, and cheer, and I wish Ma Durga bless you that you have all these forever.
55. May you become victorious over all the problems in life just like the goddess Durga emerged victorious over the evil. Wishing you nine wonderful nights of peace and happiness!
56. The time that we all have been waiting for has come. Gather all your unfulfilled dreams and let them welcome Maa Durga as she makes them all come true.
57. May the goddess Durga ushers your life with happiness, peace, and positivism throughout the year. Have a wonderful Navratri! Enjoy the occasion with your family and friends!
58. Let this Navratri be the end of a wonderful year together and start a much more wonderful journey together. I love you! Happy Navratri!
59. Nine nights of a spiritual journey is much more elegant when you are with me. Let’s celebrate the victory of good over evil together this time!
60. Dear, thanks for being such a good soul who always comes forward to help anyone regardless of anything. May Maa Durga bless you. Happy Navratri.
61. Chand ki chandani, basant ki bahar, phoolo Ki khushbu, ppno Ka Pyar. Mubarak Ho Aapko Navratri Ka Tyohar Sada Khush Raho Aap.
62. May Mata blesses you on this special day of Navratri, and may on this festive season dhan, yash, and samriddhi comes to Your Home, Happy Navratri.
63. Happy Navaratri, I wish to Goddess Durga that removes all your troubles & sorrows. It Brings 9colors of happiness in your life & all your wishes cum true. God bless You!
64. Fortunate is the one who has learned to Admire, but not to envy. Good Wishes for a joyous Navratri with plenty of Peace and Prosperity.
65. Jagat paalan haar hai maa, mukti ka dham hai maa. Hamari bakti ke adhar hai maa,ham sab ki raksha ki avatar hai maa. happy navaraatri’
66. Sajaa darwar hai or ek jyoti jagmagayi hai, naseeb jagega un jagran karane walo ka
naseeb jagega jagran me aane walo ka wo dekho mandir me meri maat muskarayi hai Happy Navratri
67. Nav deep jale nav phool khile nit nayi bahar mile navratri ke iss pavan avsar par aapko maa durga ka ashirvad mile Happy Navratri!
68. Always keep the power & strength of Warrior Goddess Durga inside you! Live fearlessly, be brave & go take on the world
69. May God gift you all the gifts of life, gifts of joy, gifts of happiness, friendship gifts, gifts of love, and all other skills you want to have in your life. Happy Navratri
70. Dandiya raas and lot of fun, Navratri’s festivities have begun, may you be blessed with peace and love by Maa Durga from heaven above. Happy Navratri!
You can even wish your family, relatives, and loved Happy Navratri on social media platforms. Here you will find Navratri status for Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms.
71. कितना भी लिखो इसके लिये कम है, सचहै ये कि ” माँ ” तू है, तो हम है..शुभ नवरात्रि
72. सारा जहां है जिसकी शरण में, नमन है उस मां के चरण में, हम हैं उस मां के चरणों की धूल, आओ मिलकर मां को चढ़ाएं श्रद्धा के फूल! शुभ नवरात्रि
73. Play Garba with the intension of celebrating the festival not to change your relationship status.
74. May, the brightness of Navratri, fill your days with cheer, may all your dreams come true During Navratri and all through the year! Happy Navratri
75. Navratri-The season of love…This goodness (Durga, Saraswati, Mahakali) Keeps you Happy And destroy Your sorrow; this strength keep away from Adhi, Vyadhi, and upadhi
76. If you don’t respect women for the rest of 356 days, I am sure your nine days of Navratri puja can’t make Durga Maa happy.
77. May the generous goddess Maa Durga brighten your life with countless blessings. I hope your prayers bring happiness and prosperity. Happy Chaitra Navratri 2023 to you!
78. Lakshmi ka Hath ho, Saraswati ka Sath ho, Ganesh ka nivas ho, aur maa Durga ke ashirwad se Aapke jeevan mai prakash hi prakash ho, Happy Navratri!
79. May the great goddess Maa Durga provide you the strength, wisdom, and courage to overcome all obstacles in life. Have an auspicious Navratri.
80. Here’s wishing that the colors, beauty, bliss, and happiness of this auspicious festival of Maa Durga stay with you, not just for these nine days, but forever. Happy Navratri 2023!
81. Experience the mystical beauty and Divine wonders. May the Navratras bring delight to each moment of your life.
82. As these nights are filled with colorful Garba and dandiya dances. Enjoy this Navratri festival!
83. May the divine presence bring elegance to your life this Navratri, and Mata Rani blesses you with everything you need. Happy Navratri!
84. May the nine avatars of Maa Durga bless you with nine qualities – power, happiness, humanity, peace, knowledge, devotion, name, fame, and health.
85. Maa ambe apne bhakto par apna hath rakhana Navaratra ke subha din par hum sub apki sharnon me rahe aur in nav dino tak apki seva puja or bhakti kare. Jai Mata Di!
86. Happy Navratri to all devotees of Ma Durga. May you have the best of times, celebrations, and success in life this year.
87. This Navratri, don’t forget to pray and be thankful. She will bless you to make your life bountiful. Happy Navratri.
88. Jiwan ek Aaradhna hai aur Aaradhna Shakti MAA ki Upasna se Paripurn ho.. Navratri Subh Ho..
89. May the divine presence bring elegance to your life this Navratri, and Mata Rani blesses you with everything you need. Happy Navratri!
90. Spirituality, when merged with celebration, it becomes grand and talk of the town, just like Navratri. Happy Navratri.
91. Navratri is here with a festive atmosphere. Feel the spirit and have fun, As all the family celebrates as one. Happy Chaitra Navratri to you!
92. Here’s wishing that the colors, beauty, bliss, and happiness Of this auspicious festival of Maa Durga stay with you, not just for these nine days, but forever. Happy Chaitra Navratri 2023!
93. May goddess Maa Durga bless you, and all your dreams come true. Happy Chaitra Navratri to you!
94. This festival is the harbinger of joy and prosperity. As the holy occasion of Navratri is here and the atmosphere is filled with the spirit of joy and love, here’s hoping this festival will be great for you! Happy Chaitra Navratri
95. Here’s wishing that the colors, beauty, bliss, and happiness of this auspicious festival of Maa Durga stay with you, not just for these nine days, but forever. Happy Chaitra Navratri 2023!
96. A new day is here again, perfect and untainted; make the best of it, spreading joy and unconditional love throughout Happy Navratri
97. Cherish new beginnings with the arrival of Maa Durga at home. Happy Chaitra Navratri! 98. Let the spirit of these pious Navratri days bring you hope and courage in life. Happy Navratri to all
99. May this Navratri be as splendid as ever. I hope it lightens up yours as well as your dear one’s lives.
100. Though she is infinite, do not merely take the positive energy from the goddess Durga on this Navratri but also make an effort to remove the darkness within you and spread positivity. Have an auspicious Navratri.
101. The great goddess Maa Durga is a symbol of divine energy, and at this time, this energy is abundant, especially during prayers. I wish my life gets filled with all positive energy this Navratri. May you have an auspicious Navratri.
Navratris are believed to be a sacred festival in the Hindu religion. These are known as different names in different cities; some call it Ugadi, Garba nights, and many others. Whatever the name is, during nine days, different epitomes of Goddess Durga are worshiped, and people others and celebrate nine days with zeal and enthusiasm.

Raj Kumar Prasad is a movie buff with a zest for travel and a passion for food. He enjoys sharing his adventures and insights at festalks.com. Whether he’s exploring new destinations, savoring different cuisines, or catching the latest flicks, Raj loves to engage with his readers and spark lively conversations. Dive into his world and discover fresh perspectives on all things fun and flavorful.